Category Archives: Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Ex-Girlfriend Said She’s Not Ready for a Relationship Now

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So, a break up happens and you want to get back with an ex-girlfriend, only to be told…she’s not ready for a relationship right now. Not ready? What does that actually mean? Why would a woman say that? Does she actually mean that phrase, word for word? In this post, I want to explore and shed some light on reasons for this.

My Ex GF Isn’t Ready For A Relationship Now

Does She Mean It?

Possibly. The likelier answer is, yes.

She may indeed might not be ready to hop back into a relationship with you or start something serious with another guy.

It might just be a passing phase and she could be ready in a few months, to give things another try.

It can depend on her personality or how bad the break up was.

Conversely, she may have also just said that, because she has no interest in getting back together.


Well, for one reason, it is an easy excuse in order to get herself some space and time apart. She may not know exactly what she wants right now, but saying this, leaves the door open for lots of potential options.

If she doesn’t want to get back together, saying that serves the same purpose, as if she might actually want to reconcile.

It allows her to not have to commit to any specific path forward and just deal with the inevitable fallout stemming from the break up. The door is obviously still open with you, she can also go out on her own, or see other guys. It covers all bases, really.

It can also serve as an easy way to let you down, while still allowing for a glimmer of hope. If “she’s not ready for a relationship”, the outcome falls entirely on her. That way, it’s not specific to anything about you, it’s her, and her feelings.

Is she trying to break up in a more gentle manner? Maybe. Maybe not. But, it is a very real possibility.

What to Do Next?

I tend to be of the school of thought, that you don’t just rush back into action, as breakups usually play out over the course of weeks or months. So do, any potential reconciliations.

Because of this, I like to try and establish clear thinking about what I want next, after any break up. Why try to get back together, just because it’s familiar? I might want to go in another direction with my own life, but short-term emotions, may have me chasing the ex-girlfriend.

It can be hard to really know what to do, after a break up. I mean, we aren’t at our most rational during this time period. I know, people like to try and press to get back together, but it can often be a bad idea.

For one, it’s a false time constraint. Meaning, there’s usually not a huge rush to save the relationship, in reality. We think we have to get it done in a day or week, but most of the time things aren’t that pressing.

Secondly, many relationships aren’t worth saving. Not to say they’re all bad, but many are just comfortable. We habituate ourselves to thinking that this relationship is great, because it’s what we know, and the unknown that comes after is scary.

I think about relationships that I had when I was younger. At the time, they meant a whole lot, and I wanted to save them. Looking back, with the passage of time, and I’m really glad I didn’t try all that much to save them. It wouldn’t have worked out well, even if I had gotten back together with those women.

Nowadays, I know to take a break from contacting the ex, just so I can figure out my next moves. What do I actually want? Why is she right for me? Is she even the best option? Could I do something else with my life?

The No Contact Rule, allows for me to not have to press for a response, and also gives her time to think. You can get a clearer picture about what she wants or if she’s even serious about not wanting to be in a relationship. People often react out of emotion, without much thought.

What’s the first move towards Getting Back Together?

After No Contact, contact needs to be re-started, in order to try and start a new relationship out of the ashes of the old. Back in the day, this may have meant having to call someone, and risk getting hung up on or a super awkward conversation.

Nowadays, thanks to widespread technology, text messaging can serve as a more gentle approach. Think about it, if a woman gets a call out of the blue, she may not be in the mood right then to talk.

With texts, she can not want to talk at that moment, but may have a change of heart later on. There is no real pressure to respond, but it is a low bar to step over, and takes less than a minute to do so.

This is great. We want to make it as easy as possible, for the other person to respond, and give them the time to full consider re-opening communication. Beyond that, text messaging gives you the time to craft the right message, and get across your intentions without any potential emotional baggage or interference.

Here is relationship expert Michael Fiore. explaining texts as a form of communication for relationships:

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, which explain some things that you absolutely shouldn’t do when texting your ex-boyfriend. Both of which were written by Mr. Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice.

He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance. It’s great because you can get started right away, try out the methods, and get your money back if you’re not satisfied.

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:


Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

How to Get Ex-Girlfriend Back After Pushing Her Away

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There are times when you have broken up with a girl, felt fine about it for months, and may have even moved on to some extent with your life. Then, there is the pang of loneliness or even nostalgia about the past. Did I make a mistake? Even after feeling like you have moved on from things and pushing an ex-girlfriend away, there is something inside you that implores you to get her back. Is this a good idea? Can it be done? Let’s take a closer look at things, once one starts to regret letting an ex-girl go.

I Pushed Her Away and She Moved On

Why and What Changed?

So, you pushed her away and now want your ex-girlfriend to come back? The first question that you need to honestly answer is why you did so?

Secondly, what has changed so much that you now need to do a reversal?

A complete 180 in the course of what you wanted after a break up does require some serious inquiry. Ask yourself, what were the fundamental reasons you no longer wanted her around and what were the major flaws in the relationship?

A change of heart can be a good thing, but not if it’s based solely on feelings, and nothing that’s concrete.

Meaning, if the relationship wasn’t workable before, why is it going to succeed now? If you didn’t want her two months ago, why would you want her to come back?

Feeling lonely, while a powerful driver, is not a good enough basis for a relationship.

As once you satisfy those lonely feelings you must contend with the reality that this person, may not be the best fit for your life moving forward.

Yes, she may have been a great fit at one point in time… but, the two of you might have changed enough to no longer make that true.

Be honest about what you truly want with your life and with a relationship moving forward. What are her flaws that drove you away in the first place? What are the negatives about the relationship? Realistically, can they be resolved or are the beyond repair?

You had your reasons for no longer wanting to be together with your ex-girlfriend, get back to those reasons. Figure out how legitimate they are. Try to approach things with as little emotion and as objectively as you possibly can.

This will help you find out if you truly do want to get back together or if you’re just dealing with the emotional aftermath of no longer being together.

Relationships can be like addictions and that withdrawal period will almost always stir up a lot of emotional confusion. Don’t make a long-term commitment based on this emotions alone.

What Are Some Common Reasons Why We Push Women Away?

  1. We really were sick of them…now we kind of miss her (confusing emotions)

Win ex back now

It’s a legitimate feeling to have. As I’ve mentioned, sometimes its just loneliness or some feeling of lack in our lives.

However, it might have nothing to do with her or her absence. It is about us and either feeling lost, being depressed, or any other myriad of issues that don’t stem from not having a girlfriend.

Again, we need to take the time to figure out if it’s really her that we miss or if breaking up was the best course of action. The break up might still be the best thing for your life, but you just need to figure out all of the non-relationship aspects of it.

2.  Got Scared of Commitment in General or For this Girl in Particular

A lot of guys, might push a woman away, simply because they are terrified of what comes with commitment. I get it, it can be a big step to take.

Let’s be honest, nowadays, not many of us have examples of solid relationships to imitate. We’ve seen divorced parents or no parents. We’ve seen rampant cheating or the hook up culture.

In such conditions, it’s easy to not want to get too attached to anybody. So, we cut people out of our lives, before they can hurt us even deeper.

If this is your case, ask yourself, what are the main fears? What is it that is pushing you away from something positive, because you don’t want to feel confined?

Another thing that a lot of guys have, is not knowing how to handle success. They get the girlfriend they want and have no idea how to handle it. Then, they reject her rather than feeling discomfort.

They may do this in other areas of life, also. Self-sabotaging anything good, that comes there way.

All of this is assuming, that this was a worthwhile relationship. If it was, ask yourself, what these fears stem from?

3. You Wanted to Test the Dating Market

Some guys, dump their girlfriend’s so that they can go out and get with more women. Either for sex or to ‘upgrade’ to a ‘better’ girlfriend.

Fair enough. It’s just that many guys don’t have the skill set to pull it off or they realize that the girls that they are meeting… don’t bring the same thing to the table as the ex.

If this is you, what is going to change moving forward? Will you just get bored with her, later on? What is the need you have to be with other women? At a certain point, it’s not even about getting sex, and more just trying to satisfy the ego.

Is this feeling out of your system for good? Or will it creep back in the future. If it does, you might end up in the same spot as you are now, either with the ex or some other woman you date.

How Did You Push Her Away?

Once one has determined whether or not a true reconciliation is what is wanted and decides against moving on, it is important to consider in what manner she was pushed away.

Was she simply ignored? Let down gently? Was the breakup messy? Was cheating involved? Have you already been dating other girls?

All of these questions and more can play into the odds of whether or not she will actually come back. Even then and even if she forgives, she still may not want to come back any longer. Some people will put up with almost any level of rejection, while others are ready to let go of the relationship, almost immediately.

If it was a clean break and she still seems to be sniffing around or is in contact with you, then, it is usually a much better scenario to start from. It becomes a whole hell of a lot easier to convince someone who wants to come back into the fold to do so, versus someone who holds a high level of bitterness about how things ended.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

You Can Fess Up to a Mistake but Don’t Grovel

Once one gets to the point where he knows he wants to get back together and knows how much of a challenge (or a fair estimate) it is going to be to start things back up again, there needs to be a strategy as to how to go about things.

Following the No Contact Rule is a good start. However, it also depends on the circumstances. If the break up was really recent, then following a period of a 4-6 weeks of No Contact can be a really good idea, as it lets the raw feelings settle down.

If it’s been a while and there hasn’t really any been any communication between the two parties, then tacking on a period of No Contact really doesn’t have much effect, and one can move forward with trying to get back together.

One of the main mistakes that guys tend to make, is doing the whole pouring your heart out and begging for forgiveness thing. It’s a highly popular trope on TV and in movies. Much like most dating advice seen in cinema, it doesn’t really work, and can actually backfire.

If you pushed her away by dumping her, you’re coming from a position of strength. Why grovel and beg, it only makes one appear less attractive.

If you pushed her away by being needy, acting even needier isn’t going to help matters.

Avoid going that route, you can admit to mistakes, if they are brought up by her once contact is established but don’t go out of your way to beg for clemency.


What’s the first move?

Obviously, in order to attempt to re-start a relationship, contact has to be reestablished with your ex. With all of the technology we have at our disposal today, perhaps, text messaging is the most logical choice to reach out to an ex once again.

Think about it:

  • They don’t have to agree to meet you face to face right away.
  • That message can sit on their phone until they are ready to respond. More time equals a greater chance.
  • You can craft the right message to them.
  • It’s a private and personal way of communication.

Here is relationship expert Michael Fiore. explaining texts as a form of communication for relationships:

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, that help to lay out some of the dos and don’ts of texting your ex. Both of which were written by Mr. Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

Here is what some of Text Your Ex Back’s users had to say about their success with the program:

“Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Not to mention how inexpensive and how user friendly the program is, no amount of money or words could express how truly grateful i am for what you have done for me as a man. And for that i would just like to say…Thank You!”- Matthew R.

“My ex was almost begging me to take him back” I love your program ! It’s so much worth it !! My ex came to me yesterday and was almost begging me to take him back !!! Just as you said it !! :D Thank you Michael !!!

“Hi Mike. Good program. The 30 days of no contact was crucial – helped work through myself, thoughts and feelings and work on my physical side – mind body and spirit. The “I like myself” exercise is extremely insightful as it reminds ourselves of who we are. My ex and I are giving at another go – small steps but all great journeys start with small steps. Talk was the game opener – being in our 50’s we did more talking face to face than texting but adapted some of the principles in this program. Thanks for helping me find myself first so I could have the opportunity to find my ex.”- Paul

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:


Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back Fast

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After getting dumped it is a common thing for guys to want to get back together with their now, ex-girlfriend. It is a very confusing and emotional time after a break up, because one has to deal with such a major change in their lives, and must find a way forward with or without the girl.

Whatever happened in the situation, these kinds of severe emotions can take their toll on a person and make people want to repair a relationship to what it was before.

The first thing that needs to be clear about getting an ex back quickly is that the underlying relationship will never be the ‘same’.

It can be rekindled and fixed but it will always have to become a newer and better functioning relationship in order to move forward.

The ending of relationships are more often than not caused by more than just one problem. So, thoughts of wishing you could go back and change one thing are ultimately pointless, and counterproductive to getting things back on track.

The first major choice one has to make before trying to win back an ex-girlfriend is if that is truly what you want or are you just chasing something you lost because you are currently in an emotional state.

Before getting into steps to take to try to re-kindle a relationship, I am going to go over the reasons why it might not be such a hot idea right now. Getting a clear view of what you really want will help to decide what the next course of action should be.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

Can You Even Re-Attract an Ex-Girlfriend Back Quickly?

Before we jump into the process itself, I want to make sure we are clear about ‘getting someone back fast’.

Is it possible to have an ex-girlfriend back in your arms, within a short time frame? Yes, I’ve done it before.

However, using the same exact tactics and overall strategy, I’ve also not gotten a different girl back. There’s no guarantees in life, that things will work out exactly, how you want them to. That’s not a negative, either.

We cannot control everything, especially other people, and their personal desires.

But understand, the best path that is available to take, will not always lead to the desired outcome. As such, an ex-girlfriend may want to get back together in a short amount of time. She might take a little longer, than expected. She might be done with the relationship for good.

The best that we can do, is to try to re-kindle the relationship, using the most effective methods that we have at our disposal. It’s usually at least effective enough, to get the lines of communication back open, but doesn’t always yield complete reconciliation.

Though, I always try to approach the breakup period in such a way, that I will be in a great position no matter the outcome. Time is nonetheless, another variable, that we cannot control. Fixing a broken relationship, can take longer, than you may want it to.

Part I: Dealing with Emotions and Do You Actually Want Her Back?

Getting Past the Haze

Viewing a relationship through rose tinted glasses and idealizing your ex-girlfriend can be a really bad road to travel down.

It is a good idea, however, to take a look at a relationship in as harsh and brutal light as possible. Really get down to brass tacks and examine what the relationship was truly like.

It couldn’t have been all sunshine and rainbows, right? This means make an honest assessment of what the problems were between the two of you. Question the whole thing.

Was there too much fighting? Did someone cheat? What were the things you could’ve done better? What were the issues that she had, which you felt were bothersome? Seriously, what were the issues that led to the end?

Even if you do end up getting her back fast, how long would it be before these problems rear their ugly head again?

If the woman broke up with you, things couldn’t have been going quite as well as you perhaps thought they were. She had her reasons for dumping you. and even if you don’t know what those reasons are, that is no reason to deny their existence.

I know that there is a lot of comfort, in not being too critical of our own faults. However, an honest assessment doesn’t have to be a tearing down of one’s self-worth. It is constructive criticism in order to attempt for us to solve a problem.

Things may have been good between the two of you for a long time but broke down enough to where it was time for the relationship to end, at least on her part.

It isn’t always a good idea to get back together for this very reason, things have changed to the point where the old feelings or ideals of being together are no longer valid.

In this situation, trying to make the relationship work is like chasing a past point in time, which can no longer be reality. This is the reason the site also includes the words, ‘or move on’, as not all relationships are worth saving.

Meaning, both parties would be better served in their lives, by being apart. Yes, it doesn’t always feel that way in the moment, but time can definitely make things quite apparent to us.

Dependency Can Be the Problem

Love is an addiction in very simple terms. Emotionally and physically the feelings can be so intense, that when a break up occurs it can feel like a withdrawal of some kind of drug.

Conditioning of your behavior and expectations; occurs during a relationship. You expect her to be there and it is reinforced day after day. Once she is gone though, that pattern is broken, and that stimulus is no longer being fulfilled.

When those things are gone and nothing replaces that stimulus, it is easy to feel down. Staying away from drugs and alcohol is always a good idea, but especially after a loss, because it becomes an endless search to fill the gap of positive feelings.

True happiness is something which can only come from within one’s self. If happiness is ever dependent on another person, drug, food, experience or whatever, that happiness will disappear the moment that external force is taken away.

Relationships should come about to enhance one’s life, not to fill the internal emptiness, that one can feel when not in love.

Since a dependency on another person has occurred, it is a good idea to let the fresh wounds of their absence heal. This is why the no contact rule, can be a fantastic tool to use after a break up, as it allows a person to re-acclimate themselves to a life without that other person.

From there, that person can see what the next step to take is, with a clear mind.

This dependency on another person can be so strong, as to make someone feel like they want to fix the broken relationship, even when that’s not actually the case.

There are plenty of guys who rationally know that their ex-girlfriends aren’t the right person for them, yet will still chase after her, just to help soothe that emptiness.

It gets lonely sometimes

Time Heals Wounds

The mind can play tricks on you immediately following a break up. That addictive quality of love makes one feel as if there is no life without that person being around and we tend to idealize them as something greater than they actually were.

Idealization happens quite frequently and can trick you into thinking that your ex-girlfriend was the “One” for you and there are no other girls out there that can compare.

Trust me, I’ve had the same feelings myself in the past. At the time, it felt like a tremendous loss and as if I was a broken man.

However, time passed and now those same girls really never cross my mind and if they do it is certainly not because I want to start a new version of our old relationship.

The pull towards the familiar and comfortable is strong, while the fear of the unknown is repellent. Think about other women you’ve dated in the past, do those old break ups bother you still?

I hope not. Most likely you’re like me, and don’t think about those chicks any more, even if the relationship felt ‘really serious’ at the time.

Time is important for this very reason, it can be damn near impossible to figure things out after a break up because the emotional turmoil is so high.

Making bad decisions when you’re emotional, can cost you big time, in the end. It can cost way more, than had you simply waited for the storm to pass, and allowing yourself to become rational again.

You can’t become one of those guys who becomes obsessive about the past and who’s life stagnates simply because he won’t let go of some idealized version of his previous life.

Winning a woman back, goes way beyond just figuring out what to say to her, to mend the broken relationship. It’s also about you, as a man, being in a healthy mental state and comfortable with the outcome…even when she chooses not to get back together.

I’ve seen too many guys chasing after women and broken relationships, based solely on their inability to deal with loneliness, neediness, and just overall low self-esteem.

It’s a very common. It’s an easy way to get stuck, in bad relationships or never get over the one’s, that didn’t work out. This is not something to be overlooked.

Has the Situation Really Improved Enough?

There were definite reasons for a relationship to end. There was a betrayal of trust or maybe you two just simply drifted apart. Let’s say for the sake of argument, that, you and your ex were back together today. What has changed to make things work this time?

Have you two agreed as to what the legitimate issues were with the relationship? Things aren’t going to work if she thinks that you’re a liar and you think that you’re the paragon of truth and virtue.

Was the time apart a relationship repair? Probably not.

Accept the truth. If you two have simply moved down different paths in life, accept that the relationship is over, and get started on where you want to end up in the future.

Don’t go back just to feel safe or because suddenly you’re dating options seem really limited, things aren’t going to go back to how they were.

Many times, getting back together is just a bad idea, and is a result of both people clamoring for something which feels certain when they don’t know what to do next.

Sometimes it’s best to just accept things as they now are and learn from what has been, so that your future relationships can go a bit smoother.

Then, there are the specific challenges to a broken relationship. Sometimes, one of the two persons, has already moved on to someone else.

Not only would one have to contend with fixing any relationship issues, but also potentially try to win back the girlfriend from someone else or determine if it’s just a rebound relationship or even just mentally cope with her sleeping with someone else.

All of these outstanding factors contribute to the likelihood of getting an ex to return to a relationship. There’s no guarantee of reconciliation, but there does need to be an acceptance of this fact, and a plan to move forward if the desired outcome isn’t achieved.

Part II: What’s Next? No Contact Rule 

Ok, so, the first aspect of this whole getting you ex back process, is to do an honest assessment of the relationship.

Then comes, the second part, which can run in sync with the assessment aspect. This is the period of No Contact.

This is to identify the problems, make sure that trying to fix things is actually what you want, or if you should just move on with your life.

Remember when I wrote about the importance of letting time pass? Here is where that takes on another layer of importance. With time, the bad things about your relationship tend to fade in your former partner’s memory.

This doesn’t mean that time has solved all of the problems but what it does mean is that if they truly do miss you on some level, they can start thinking about the positive aspects of what once was.

This is where the No Contact Rule comes into play. It is a 30-45 day period of radio silence, so to speak.

This time period allows you to get yourself together emotionally, let’s any anger or resentment cool off a bit, and prevents you from chasing her and coming off as needy and desperate.

Why No Contact? It acts as a reset period, where both people, can experience things apart without interference. This really helps with the clarity about what to do next.

It also allows for a bit of mystery. She is much more apt, to regain some interest, if she doesn’t have a constant reminder of what you’re up to.

Too many guys go into complete chase mode, which pretty much serves to push the girl away, even further. If begging and pleading was so successful, there’d be a whole lot more reconciled relationships.

Part III: What to do During No Contact and Beyond?

The period of No Contact is all about you and getting yourself right. Not just to get you back up to a normal emotional baseline, but also to improve yourself as a man, to face any future outcome from a position of strength.

I’ve always liked to utilize self-improvement right after a break up because:

  • It benefits my mental and physical health
  • A better version of me, is the more attractive version
  • It can help bring clarity about what I want for my life

I usually break things down to the physical, mental/emotional, and life goals. So, during this period of trying to heal emotionally, and deal with the ex-girlfriend not being around; I use exercise, reading, meditation, and motivational speeches to keep the emotions in check and gain perspective.

I also take stock of my life and think of what goals I can set, achieve, or simply set a plan of where I want things to go…whether she comes back or not.

I’ve written more in depth on this period of being alone and how to get through it:

What Comes After the No Contact Period Ends?

If you have played things correctly up until this point, the two of you have spent significant time apart from one another, and you have both grown up and improved yourself as a person. You have had time to reflect on whether or not getting back together is a good choice to make or not. While they, have also had time to consider what their life is like without you.

From experience, the girls who for sure wanted to come back, usually made the first move in contacting me. I would always get a text or online message saying something like, “Hey, I was just thinking about you and wanted to see how you are doing.” Or something like, “I was driving over by (insert place) and it reminded me of (some time spent together).”

Don’t worry, if they don’t contact you, that doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t want to get back together. Just them reaching out first, can be a really good sign.

If they do not contact you first, after a month or more apart from each other with no contact and you working on yourself, then it may be time to consider opening a dialogue with them.

When you get to this point, however, you must be absolutely certain that you do indeed want them back and are accepting of the fact that there is no guarantee that they will get back together with you.

You need to have better reasons to get back together with someone, other than simply, missing them or being hurt without them. That’s just missing an addiction and not the foundation of a healthy relationship. Do the pros of being together with this person really outweigh the cons enough to invest that kind of time and energy into trying to make it work? There are plenty of people out there who are good fits for each other but those who are truly great fits are few and far between. Be honest with yourself about what you want and who this person truly is.

What’s the first move? Texting

After going through No Contact for 30-45 days, gaining mental clarity, and deciding that we do indeed want to attempt to reconcile with our ex-girlfriend…it is time to reach out and send the first message. With all of the technology we have at our disposal today, perhaps, text messaging is the most logical choice to reach out to an ex once again.

It only makes sense, as:

  • There is no pressure to get them into a face to face meeting right away.
  • The response time is unlimited. Maybe the text doesn’t get answered immediately, but it’s going be on their phone until they decide to engage with it.
  • You can craft the right message to them and pique their interest after not communicating with them for a while.
  • It’s a direct line of contact and one that has a higher response rate than random phone calls or trying to get them to talk to you while out and about.

Here is relationship expert Michael Fiore. explaining texts as a methodology for getting an ex’s attention:

Hopefully, you downloaded the two free reports that were mentioned near the top of the page, which lay out what not to do and say when texting an ex-girlfriend. Both of these reports were written by Michael Fiore as a part of his “Text Your Ex Back” program.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Mr. Fiore’s relationship advice.

He has been on a number of television shows, as seen above, to discuss his methods for fixing broken relationships, by starting with some simple texting strategies.

If you are sure about wanting to get back with your ex-girlfriend, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:


Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

My Ex-Girlfriend is Stringing Me Along. Wat Do?

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The post-breakup period can already be a really confusing time. This becomes especially true, when you’re dealing with an ex-girlfriend who is seemingly ready to get back with you one minute, and then acting as cold as ice the next.

After a few times of experiencing this, we being to notice the behavioral pattern, and ask ourselves…am I being strung along here? What the hell does she actually want? Why would she be doing this to me?This hot and cold behavior has got to stop! As aggravating as this experience can be, it can be dealt with, let’s explore what’s going on.

Why String Someone Along?

Women are always going to have their own individual reasons for doing this, but there are some old reliable reasons in this scenario.

First, she might be doing this because she really doesn’t know what she wants. If you know your ex-girlfriend is emotionally immature or indecisive, would this really be such a shocker?

Of course not. Her lack of clarity doesn’t have to mean that you have to buy into it as well.

If you can step back and detach yourself from her behavioral patterns, it kind of just looks silly. Heck, one can enjoy the times where she’s ‘hot’ towards you, and just anticipate the cold front that follows. Just sort of laugh at the whole game.

She might be trying to feel things out with you and doesn’t want to fully invest in pursuing a reconciliation, just yet. Sometimes, she’s wanting to go that route, and other times not.

Another reason could be that she’s trying to keep her options open for as long as possible.

She could very well have other men that she’s seeing or collecting dates like trading cards. In this case, she wants to wait for her best option, which may or may not be you.

Third, she’s being really spiteful. She wants to do the hot and cold routine in order to get hopes up of getting back together, only to pull the rug from underneath you, once you’ve invested.

If this last one is suspected, that’s when it’s really handy not to react or get attached to these hot/cold swings. Her acting this way out of spite, really only works if you follow along emotionally.

If one stays detached, the woman can’t derive any pleasure from trying to emotionally manipulate you. It completely ruins their twisted sense of fun.

As you can see, there are some legitimate reasons that bode well for a future together. But there are also reasons to be cautious, as there is a possibility that a woman can be using her ex for her own benefit.

Win ex back now

How to Stop an Ex-Girlfriend from Stringing You Along?

My approach has always been that of not playing the game. Meaning, that if I’m being strung along, I cut the damn string.

The hot and cold game or stringing someone along, takes two people. You have to participate in order for her to continue this behavioral pattern.

If you just stop seeing her until she gives you clarity, or if you just detach yourself from caring, she is going to have to figure out a way forward. In the case, where she doesn’t really want you, she’ll get bored and leave you in peace.

My baseline approach: I’m not going to be playing her game, whether it be out of her own confusion, or genuine manipulation.

I don’t particularly care about the reasoning, only the end result. The end result, is me having to put up with someone stringing me along, and generating confusion in my life.

I do this by making myself scarcely available. Since she is no longer my girlfriend, she has no reasonable expectation of my time and energy.

If she wants my time and energy, then, we should have never broken up and she should attempt to reconcile without all of the confusion.

If I decide to give it to her once, there’s no guarantee, she’ll see me the next time. She’s lost her ‘preferred status’ with me, that she once had, as my girlfriend.

If she is just trying to manipulate me, it becomes extremely difficult for her to do so, without my constant need to give in to seeing and spending time with her.

It’s basically an attitude of: ‘shit or get off of the pot’. Stop playing games with me and give me clarity about our situation. In the past, I have just straight up asked them, what they wanted and basically refused any real interaction until it was all laid out.

I’ll also add, that if any of these girls were seeing other guys (that I knew for sure of), it was basically a non-starter with me. I’m not being option 1B or 2 or 3 or whatever.

Don’t accept nonsense, just to be in a relationship or make those post-breakup feelings, not hurt as much. Be willing to walk away.

After all, the relationship ended, and the obligation really is no longer there. If you’re not getting what you want and feel manipulated, why continue to pursue her at all? There are billions of other options on the planet.

Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

My Ex-Girlfriend Says She Never Loved Me…Really?

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Things get really intense during the time after a break up. Sometimes, things are said which really cut deep and hurt badly. One fairly common thing that gets said, is that, one partner never truly loved the other. When an ex-girlfriend says this, it certainly packs a punch. We start to question, how someone that we spent so much time with and assured us of their love, could actually say this sort of thing. Did she mean it? Is she just trying to piss me off? Let’s take a bit of a closer look at this situation and try to sort things out.

Does She Mean It? She Never Loved Me?

Short answer: maybe.

On the one hand, yes, an ex-girlfriend could seriously never loved the guy that she was dating. She may have been fond of him or just stuck around for other reasons. Saying, ‘I love you’, during a relationship may have just been a way to get by and keep things going.

There are some people who are either incapable of loving anyone or can love someone but will still be in long-term relationships with people they don’t actually love.

Another possibility is that the ex-girlfriend really did love the guy and is just acting spiteful during the post-break up period. She might be upset or just said something in the moment, that she really didn’t mean.

This is just trying to elicit a response and hurt feelings. That’s a pretty shitty move, but the not ever loving the other person trope, is a complete lie.

Another option is, that she is just saying it to get out ahead of you. Perhaps she thinks you’re going disavow the relationship and try to hurt her. How? By saying that you never loved her.

It’s a strategy that may be coming out consciously or unconsciously. Say the thing that you fear hearing, to the other person, before they can say it to you.

In this case, she probably did love your or still does, but she doesn’t want to feel that impact. So, she puts it out on you. Again, not a very admirable thing to be doing.

The whole love thing can be really tricky at times and a downright ugly business. Hell, there are plenty of cases where a woman marries and has kids with a man that she doesn’t love, just to extract resources and her real sexual desires get met by other men she has affairs with.

I’m not trying to scare anyone off of dating or anything like that, but there always will be a certain percentage of the population, who simply aren’t great people when you get down to it.

It gets lonely sometimes

It gets lonely sometimes

How to Deal With It?

Love that isn’t reciprocated by the other party, hurts really bad. However, as men, we cannot continually chase these types of women and try to make them feel something that they do not. The best thing that can be done is to move forward without them in your life.

No guy likes hearing that we really weren’t the one that she was looking for. It makes the whole relationship feel like a sham and it sucks to hear that you may have been the only one who was fully invested.

Whether she meant that she never loved you or not, is actually irrelevant. In either case, one can get out of a bad relationship that would’ve only gotten worse as time went on.

At the very least, you are dealing with someone who want to exact an emotional toll on you, or at the worst someone who is unfeeling and wants to use you.

Remember, there are always other options to date. Billions of women on this planet and even if only 1% like you, that leaves more chicks than you could ever possibly meet or date.

We all get burned by at least one during our dating careers and it’s really best to just deal with the emotions, loneliness, etc. and to mentally let it all go eventually. We cannot let one person have such a huge negative influence in our lives.

If she wants to be miserable and spiteful, let her be that way. You, on the other hand, don’t have to involve yourself. You can focus on your life and your goals and keep improving your situation.

Women lust for him…

If others want to try and hurt your feelings, learning to let go of those negative emotions and not reacting to their provocations, really is the best strategy. Trying to emotionally hurt someone and then having to watch them not have any reaction to it, is really frustrating for the person using emotional manipulation. It’s like a boomerang effect on their spitefulness.

Forgiving them or not is a matter of personal choice. The main thing is to mentally let it go for your own future well being. Things can absolutely start to feel normal again with time, as long as one doesn’t dwell on the past and their feelings of anger or resentment.


Can You Get Her Back If She Didn’t Really Mean It?

Sure, you can. The question is do you actually want to? It can take a lot of time and energy to fix a busted relationship, so, it’s not always worth it. This can especially be true for this situation.

If someone is saying that they don’t love you, specifically to hurt, then why would a relationship with them be something you’d still want?

Now, if it’s the case that you hurt her first and she responded with that, then I’d say the odds of a reconciliation are much better. Though, there will still probably be plenty of trust that needs to be rebuilt.

If she truly meant it, then move on with your life. Recover from the pain and let it go.

If she didn’t really mean it, then it’s your own personal call, as to what you want in your life. There are a lot of variables and questions, that you need to answer, in order to figure out whether she is worth it or not.

Again, if it was really a verbal battle between the two of you, she might have just said that in the heat of the moment and didn’t actually mean it.

What’s the first move?

Obviously, in order to attempt to re-start a relationship, contact has to be reestablished with your ex. This can be rough going, after someone says that they never loved the other person.

Luckily, with technology, re-establishing contact can be relatively passive and easier to attempt.

Think about it:

  • They don’t have to agree to meet you face to face right away.
  • That message can sit on their phone until they are ready to respond. More time equals a greater chance.
  • You can craft the right message to them.
  • It’s a private and personal way of communication.

Here is relationship expert Michael Fiore. explaining texts as a form of communication for relationships:

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, that help to lay out some of the dos and don’ts of texting your ex. Both of which were written by Mr. Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

Here is what some of Text Your Ex Back’s users had to say about their success with the program:

“Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Not to mention how inexpensive and how user friendly the program is, no amount of money or words could express how truly grateful i am for what you have done for me as a man. And for that i would just like to say…Thank You!”- Matthew R.

“My ex was almost begging me to take him back” I love your program ! It’s so much worth it !! My ex came to me yesterday and was almost begging me to take him back !!! Just as you said it !! :D Thank you Michael !!!

“Hi Mike. Good program. The 30 days of no contact was crucial – helped work through myself, thoughts and feelings and work on my physical side – mind body and spirit. The “I like myself” exercise is extremely insightful as it reminds ourselves of who we are. My ex and I are giving at another go – small steps but all great journeys start with small steps. Talk was the game opener – being in our 50’s we did more talking face to face than texting but adapted some of the principles in this program. Thanks for helping me find myself first so I could have the opportunity to find my ex.”- Paul

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:


Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

My Ex-Girlfriend Says She Doesn’t Miss Me at All

Published by:

The immediate aftermath of a breakup can be a confusing time. Emotions are up and down. It can feel like a piece of you is missing. Also, things can come to light, that make you question your memories of what the relationship exactly was.

Many times this is in the form of finding out about cheating. However, it can come in the form of learning that your ex-girlfriend doesn’t miss you at all…or so she says. How can that be?

This can be a jarring notion, especially when you still miss her quite a lot on your end. What’s the deal with this? Is it even true? Why doesn’t she? Can I make my ex-girlfriend miss me? How can one handle coming to terms with such a scenario?

Is It Even True? My Ex Doesn’t Miss Me?


Telling their ex-boyfriend that they don’t miss them, can either be a factual statement, a weaponized barb, or a mixture of both.

Determining which it is can depend greatly on the context in which it was said, the manner which it was delivered, and the nature of the female you’re dealing with.

For instance, if you know that your ex has a bit of pettiness in her personality, there’s a good chance that it’s designed to inflict pain (especially if the two of you were arguing at the time).

It’s my contention, that if a girl truly doesn’t miss me, she would have no need to tell me that.

I mean, when I don’t care about an ex-girlfriend, they literally don’t cross my mind unless prompted by something else. I don’t think about them, I have no reason to speak to them, and the whole relationship is just a memory.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

Essentially, why would I need to tell them that I don’t miss them in the slightest?

Then again, some chicks are just assholes and feel the need to take shots at an ex, for some perceived notion of ‘vengeance’.

It can also be a sort of stalling strategy. She tells you that she doesn’t miss you to push you away. This gives her time to heal. Hell, she might not even know what she wants right now, and just acted off of impulse.

People can say something that they don’t really mean in the moment. Later, upon reflection, they can realize their error. Maybe it was to buy time to heal or maybe she hasn’t come to the realization, that she’s messed up just yet.

Which One is It?

In the cases in which it doesn’t seem obvious one way or another, if she really means what she said or is just trying to hurt with words, it’s best not to try and wrack your brain too much.

Sometimes, you really cannot definitively tell what her intent was behind the words. In plenty of cases, she might be emotional, and not even know herself.

I tend to take the statement at face value.

She doesn’t miss me, at least in that moment. If it proves otherwise, that will all be revealed over time by how she behaves towards me.

Meaning, if she really doesn’t miss me at all, she will presumably fade from my life. On the other hand, if she was bull shitting me, she will probably try to get my attention and contact me in the future.

With one girl that I dated almost ten years ago, she was sort of all over the map with her feelings towards me.

First, she broke up with me (I was really close to dumping her but she beat me to the punch). Then, she would randomly text me for sex in the following months.

Next, she told me that she didn’t miss me (which was fine, since I was dating other girls).

What happened after she told me that she didn’t miss me? Things got quiet for quite a while, until she messaged me on Facebook, out of the blue. It was really getting strange, because I never thought about her, anymore.

She would message me on there, every few years, and even asked me out. She said that she wanted us to go out ‘just as friends’…we were never really friends to begin with, though.

I think that the last message she sent was about two years ago. That’s a funny thing, to have someone not miss me, try and get back into my life years after the fact. Especially when there’s no significance or attachment on my end.

Anyways, there is the truism, that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. Often times, a break up occurs and she might foresee big plans in her future.

She thinks that she can get a better guy to commit to her. She thinks that she’s going to land some amazing job.

And then…none of that happens, which can lead to them reevaluating their past and their ex-boyfriends. Sometimes, they find this out within a few months of the breakup.

This can often happen when, there was no big event that ended the relationship. On a whim, she breaks up, because she’s ‘bored’ or whatever.

She doesn’t really have a plan and just fumbles around from person to person or job to job. Then, it’s like, “Ooops, what have I done with my life?”

How to Respond

Does she miss your or not? Since there is no way to know for sure, let go of the question.

Turn inward and focus on yourself, your own development, and pursue all of the things that makes your life as an individual better.

Guys get too caught up on trying to figure out all of the answers (even when there isn’t one to be had), which just becomes and obsession and time waster.

Time will usually reveal what exactly is taking place. If a girl genuinely misses you, her feelings will generally revert to the mean. Meaning, that if she told you that in anger and she secretly does miss you, then she will make it clearer once she settles down.

To me, the question really becomes, “Do I even want to be with someone who tries to hurt me with their words?” Rather than, does she miss me?

I would begin to explore what life is like without her in my life. Take the steps to move on from them and generally focus on myself.

Do you actually miss her? Or are you just reacting to the fact that she said that she doesn’t miss you? Don’t chase someone, just because it was a blow to your ego. Let that sort of negativity go, fall back for the time being, and see what happens in the future with (or without) her.

Still Want an Ex-Back?

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, that help to lay out some of the dos and don’ts of texting your ex. Both of which were written by Michael Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”. He also recommends a period of no contact with an ex and also shows how to both work through the time apart and how to decide what to do next. If you want further help working out things or really do want to make things work with an ex, this is something you’ll want to check out.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

Here is what some of Text Your Ex Back’s users had to say about their success with the program:

“Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Not to mention how inexpensive and how user friendly the program is, no amount of money or words could express how truly grateful i am for what you have done for me as a man. And for that i would just like to say…Thank You!”- Matthew R.

“My ex was almost begging me to take him back” I love your program ! It’s so much worth it !! My ex came to me yesterday and was almost begging me to take him back !!! Just as you said it !! :D Thank you Michael !!!

“Hi Mike. Good program. The 30 days of no contact was crucial – helped work through myself, thoughts and feelings and work on my physical side – mind body and spirit. The “I like myself” exercise is extremely insightful as it reminds ourselves of who we are. My ex and I are giving at another go – small steps but all great journeys start with small steps. Talk was the game opener – being in our 50’s we did more talking face to face than texting but adapted some of the principles in this program. Thanks for helping me find myself first so I could have the opportunity to find my ex.”- Paul

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:


Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

How to Tell If Your Ex-Girlfriend Still Loves You

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After a breakup, it is common to question the idea of love and whether or not your ex-partner still has those deep feelings towards you or if they have moved forward in their lives.

On some level, we have this urge to know the truth about where we stand with them and want to use this information as a sort of gauge to determine if we can get them back or not.

Okay, so we want to know if they love us, if we have a chance, or if they despise us and we need to move on for ourselves. How can we tell, what the case actually is? What are some signs to look for?

Separating Love from Loneliness and Ego

So, if you really break it down, determining if someone still loves you is a pretty complex thing, is it not? First of all, you are dealing with fresh emotions after a breakup which are very powerful in influencing people’s behavior.

For instance, your ex-girl may be calling you or texting you frequently. This could be a sign she still is in love with you. Conversely,  it could be a sign that the emotions/loneliness of this time period, are too much to handle.

In that case, it isn’t that she is still wildly in love with you, it could just be that she is really confused as to what she wants. This is why No Contact is important to employ, so that both parties can gain clarity as to what they want for their futures.

Secondly, consider the feeling of love itself. A girl showing signs of interest or caring about you, may indeed be because she loves you. However, that doesn’t mean she is still in love with you.

There is quite a difference between still loving and caring for someone deeply versus having deep romantic feelings towards that person. If she broke up with you, this could very well be the case…especially if her communications are coming from a concerned friendly place and she is even starting to see other men.

Thirdly, communicating with you could just be a way to stroke her ego. She may be trying to see that you, are still in love with her and need her; in order to make her feel better about herself.

Yes, that’s petty and shallow, but there are definitely people out there who do exactly that. It’s the same kind of thing like when people talk about ‘trading up’ to someone better than their ex, so that they can gloat, rub it in, and protect their egos from encountering harm.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

Spending Lots of Time towards You

As I said, sometimes her checking up on you, is just her checking up on you. It doesn’t mean that she’s still in love with you, but she does care about you.

However, a common sign that she probably has those deep seeded feelings towards you, is communication.

The more consistent, the more emotional, and the more invasive; then the more likely it is, that she does still love you romantically. A lot of people tend to ‘lose it’ after a breakup, even if they were the one’s who initiated the split.

It’s incredibly hard on people emotionally and psychologically to be apart from the person they love, even when it’s for the best.

If a girl is constantly communicating with you, checking up on you, trying to dig up info on your personal life after the breakup…then there is a solid chance that she still loves you…even if she hates you.

This doesn’t have to be a psychotic level of keeping tabs on you. But, if she isn’t really checking for you in the months following a break up; it’s a pretty safe bet that the love isn’t there anymore. It may be, but it is a much more remote possibility.

Spending Lots of Time ‘Hating’ On You

Beyond just trying to talk to you or keeping tabs on your life, some girls will make it a point to go about telling you that they don’t like you anymore.

Not just during the initial break up, but repeatedly contacting, just to argue or start a fight.

If someone is really over you, why would they take time from their day, just to be negative? Like, when I’m over someone, I don’t even think about that girl. She’s now irrelevant to my life.

But, we have women, who actually will do this. They won’t really talk to you to say positive things or to reconcile things, but will to just be nasty.

This can be a good indicator of interest. The question is, whether or not, you want to involve yourself again with someone who behaves in this manner?

Romantic Interest

Again, sometimes it’s just loneliness or ego but if your ex come around for sex or to spend alone time with you, then that is another sign. One that she still loves you, or at least is still physically attracted to you, which is a good thing.

Sex gets complicated in the post-breakup period, because sometimes, it just happens for hormonal/emotional reasons (feeling weak/alone/aroused).

Other times, it is because there is such a strong feeling of love and attachment, towards that person.

Either way, it is a pretty indecisive act by an ex, since it is keeping one foot in the relationship and one foot out of the relationship.

If during this alone time or the time afterwards there is talk about: the relationship’s problems, getting back together, emotional expression, then of course it can be a sign that she still loves you.

Also, romantic feelings towards other people can be used to stir up jealousy, which may or may not be linked to feelings of love.

Whether, she is making it a point to show off any new guys, she is dating (and is making sure you are aware of that fact). Also, if she is butting her nose into any new relationship you may be forming, it could be a sign she still carries a torch for you. She is just showing it in a very immature way.

The Communication Continues with Time and is Steered Towards Talk of the Relationship

Time heals emotional wounds, and eventually people start to move on with their lives, after a breakup. However, some girls may continue to initiate conversations with their ex-boyfriends and then always seem to want to talk about the past and bringing up where things went wrong.

After a few months of separation, this may be a distinct sign that she is interested in reconciliation with you. After all, she has at that point had time to explore her life without your influence, and may come to the conclusion that it was a mistake to separate.

The more time apart that has elapsed and this type of behavior is still occurring, seems to be correlated with feelings of still being in love with you.

Some girls won’t just come right out and say it. Though, they may prod with certain types of questions. For instance, they are always bringing up the past, and may be genuinely open to try to fix things.

If that’s the case, then you will have to decide if that’s a possibility that you want to pursue or if you would rather not get bogged down in rehashing an old relationship.

Also, if you are the own initiating most of the conversations, she may just be replying out of courtesy. If she’s quick to respond, the better the odds, that she still likes you.

It’s just like dating or online dating, if a girl gets back to you quick, and is going out of her way to text you…it’s a big sign of attraction. Very similar rules apply here.

What’s the first move?

Obviously, in order to attempt to re-start a relationship, contact has to be reestablished with your ex. With all of the technology we have at our disposal today, perhaps, text messaging is the most logical choice to reach out to an ex once again.

Think about it:

  • They don’t have to agree to meet you face to face right away.
  • That message can sit on their phone until they are ready to respond. More time equals a greater chance.
  • You can craft the right message to them.
  • It’s a private and personal way of communication.

Here is relationship expert Michael Fiore. explaining texts as a form of communication for relationships:

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, that help to lay out some of the dos and don’ts of texting your ex. Both of which were written by Mr. Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

Here is what some of Text Your Ex Back’s users had to say about their success with the program:

“Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Not to mention how inexpensive and how user friendly the program is, no amount of money or words could express how truly grateful i am for what you have done for me as a man. And for that i would just like to say…Thank You!”- Matthew R.

“My ex was almost begging me to take him back” I love your program ! It’s so much worth it !! My ex came to me yesterday and was almost begging me to take him back !!! Just as you said it !! :D Thank you Michael !!!

“Hi Mike. Good program. The 30 days of no contact was crucial – helped work through myself, thoughts and feelings and work on my physical side – mind body and spirit. The “I like myself” exercise is extremely insightful as it reminds ourselves of who we are. My ex and I are giving at another go – small steps but all great journeys start with small steps. Talk was the game opener – being in our 50’s we did more talking face to face than texting but adapted some of the principles in this program. Thanks for helping me find myself first so I could have the opportunity to find my ex.”- Paul

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:


Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

What to Do When Your Ex-Girlfriend Says She Needs Space

Published by:

One of the most common phrases or excuses that is used during break ups is one partner telling the other that, “I need space” or “I need time to think”. Now, this can be quite confusing for the guy who is on the receiving end of this phrase, and who is still hoping that his ex-girlfriend will come back to him.

A person saying that they ‘need space’ can actually have many different meanings depending on who it is saying it. So, the question begs, what should I do when my ex asks for this time apart from one another?

Is there actually a path forward or is she just using the space and time excuse, as a ploy, in order to break away more easily?

The Multitude of Meanings

What does it mean to need space? On the very surface level, it can obviously mean that exactly…leave her the hell alone for awhile.

However, it can also mean that they just want space so that they can make a clean break easier to deal with, that they want to see someone else (either in particular or find someone new), or even that they just want to try out some new things in their lives, without having to worry about their now ex-boyfriend snooping around.

Needing space can be a good way to let someone go easier, as she doesn’t have to see you all of the time and keep dredging up those old emotions, again and again.

But again, it can just mean she needs time to sort things out in her mind and life. So, don’t freak out about it. Time apart will lead to clarity.

People really can feel overwhelmed by an ex. Perhaps she really does have too much going on in her life right now, to deal with you being around, or trying to reconcile the relationship.

Stress and a deluge of thoughts can put quite a lot of pressure on someone. This is particularly true, during the emotional tumult, following a break up. So, yes, taking time and having space to breathe can be a great idea.

This is something that you need to accept. I know that it can be in our nature as men, to try to fix things by being proactive. That isn’t always the best course of action. Sometimes, we need to fall back, and let things settle down before trying to rebuild things with our ex-girlfriend.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

Does This Mean That I Should Keep Talking to Her, If She’s Trying to Make It Easier to Let Me Go?

No! Despite what she may have meant, you have no way of know what she meant exactly. As such, the best course of action is to take her at her word and give her space.

Constantly begging her to come back or to even just talk to you is not only annoying, but it is also inherently unattractive. It makes you seem like you have no life or thought independent of her, which is unappealing to her, regardless if it is true or not.

Her needing space is healthy. She needs to stop being sick of being around you and work through her life/emotions. Let her be.

Think about someone annoying pestering you and you just want them to stop. It’d be pretty annoying, right? That’s the place you find yourself in right now, with the ex.

Now, this is temporary. Moods change, people’s mind gets clear, and they learn what they want over time. However, if you’re interrupting this temporary state, she could very well push you away even further.

And that’s definitely not what you want.

It gets lonely sometimes

It gets lonely sometimes

Will She Ever Come Back?

There’s no guarantee either way. Individual circumstances may vary and while she may still love you, she might not want to be together with you any longer.

It’s just the way the relationship game works. It can be almost impossible sometimes to win back a person who has truly fallen out of love. However, there are other relationships which end for other reasons and those can have a decent chance of being rekindled.

While the odds vary depending on the circumstances involved, they can be further altered by the actions that you take post-breakup.

So, that means if she wants time to herself and space to herself, that is something you have to respect. Not only for her own benefit but also for your own and whether or not things may eventually worked out between the two of you.

In the end, yes, there’s still a chance that she’ll come back after this break in time. Just give yourself the best odds of making it happen.

Give Her Space, Go No Contact for a Time

Her having space is not a punishment to you. It is an opportunity for the both of you to get out from under the baggage of the now defunct relationship.

This isn’t a time to pine over her and obsess over the notion of the two of you getting back together.

Instead, utilize this time to focus on yourself and your own interests. With time apart, it isn’t uncommon to find out that in reality, you don’t actually want to get back with your ex-girlfriend.

Many times, guys discover that most of what they were ‘missing’ about her, was just the powerful emotions that get stirred up in the post-breakup period.

Take this period to follow the No Contact Rule. Give her that space but also give it to yourself and focus on getting yourself together emotionally.

Prepare to move on from the relationship mentally, even if a reconciliation is still a possibility in the future. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

No Contact will usually last for 30-45 days. After that amount of time has passed, you can try to reopen the lines of communication with her.

Sometimes, she’ll come back sooner. In that case, her needing time alone, was short lived. That’s fine, but don’t go overboard with pouring out your heart to her, as soon as she’s ready to talk.

Take it slower. Gradually build things up with her again. Then, the two of you can work on the problems that the relationship had, or agree to go your separate ways. Depending on what your case calls for.

What Comes After No Contact?

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, that help to lay out some of the dos and don’ts of texting your ex.

Both of which were written by Michael Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”. Michael is a relationship expert who’s been written about, been featured on TV, and the like.

He also recommends a period of no contact with an ex. His guides, also show how to both work through the time apart, and how to decide what to do next.

If you want further help working out things or really do want to make things work with an ex, this is something you’ll want to check out.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

Here is what a Text Your Ex Back user had to say about their success with the program:

“Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Not to mention how inexpensive and how user friendly the program is, no amount of money or words could express how truly grateful i am for what you have done for me as a man. And for that i would just like to say…Thank You!”- Matthew R.

If you are wanting to  try to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:


Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Get an Ex Girlfriend Back from a Rebound Relationship?

Published by:

A break up occurs and sometime afterward, you find out that your ex-girlfriend is involved with another guy, and she has entered the so-called rebound relationship.

While this can come as a shock and indeed lower the odds of getting back together, things aren’t always lost. Even with this new development, as a man, you have to remain level headed and figure out what you want.

Do you actually want her back or are you just in a temporary emotional state? If yes, do you actually want to go through the whole process of getting her back? What can be done?

Determining the Why and the If

The first thing to consider before embarking on trying to reclaim an ex from a rebound relationship, is to determine the why and the if.

What’s that mean?

Ask yourself, why do you want your ex back?

Then determine, if you really do want to chase her based on that answer.


The Why

I know it may seem self-evident based on the fact that you are reading this post, that you do indeed want to pursue patching things up with your ex-girlfriend.

However, our mind can often be clouded by the fact that we want something or someone, while totally ignoring the underlying reasons behind that desire.

Is it really about wanting her or is it just not wanting to see her with someone else? It’s fine, if the answer is that you just feel jealousy (we all do from time to time), but that isn’t a sufficient reason to try and rekindle a relationship.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

Is about her or is it about you not feeling so great after the break up? Again, a lot of people try to get back together with someone for the wrong reasons.

They start to feel empty or not liking where their life is at, after the end of a relationship. Again, these feelings are normal and can be worked through BUT they are not reason enough to chase after a girl.

Your ex may now be seeing another guy and you want to win her over to you because you have some fear that she may like being with him more than you.

A lot of this kind of stuff is simply ego. It comes with not being able to accept how life changes and how it actually is now. You can’t stand losing because you perceive that your value as a man is lowered.

Basically, equating getting your ex-girlfriend back with proving your self worth. This is a very unhealthy way to look at things and can lead you to do things such as meddling in her current relationship or trying to drive a wedge between them.

Don’t be desperate. Learn to be on your own and be happy on your own before deciding if you should try to spark things anew with her.

There are so many other factors to consider, such as, what a new relationship with her is going to be like. Yep, it will be a new relationship, and cannot continue as it had before between you two. After all, that one failed. So what’s going to be different this time around?

Also consider, getting her back could take time, a lot of time. She is with someone else and in all likelihood, isn’t just going to ditch him on a whim now that you feel like getting back together.

This could be a long wait and one with no actual payoff. She might have zero interest in getting back together. There is no guarantee when dealing with humans, particularly when strong emotions are involved.

Win ex back now

The If

Once one has considered why they are wanting to still pursue an ex, the question then becomes, if they actually do want to put forth the effort.

As stated above, it takes time, and you must determine if all of the time invested in pursuing this path will yield a better result than just moving on with your life and seeing other women.

Add to the fact that once she starts seeing someone else, the odds of getting back together are lower and often damn near not a chance of happening. This isn’t to say it can’t happen, but it’s not an easy thing.

I will say that, sometimes, the odds are not that long. Some women, will jump right into a quick relationship after a breakup, but it’s not as serious as it looks.

In fact, it can be a positive thing. A lot of times, this new guy won’t chalk up to what you used to provide for her. She gets a constant comparison between the two of you and he doesn’t match up, to what she left.

Then what?

What is certain about such a situation is that chasing after the girl, obsessing, and making bold declarations of love is not the path to take.

It only serves to make a man look desperate (which is inherently unattractive) and will most likely repel them further away from you.

Taking the opposite tact and focusing on improving your own life and allowing new girls to flow into it is the best course of action to take? Why?

Well, not only will it help you cope and move on without her, it will also raise your perceived value. So, on the off chance in the future your ex-girlfriend wants you back she will see that you can indeed survive and thrive without her.

Plus, if things don’t work out, you’ll be in a damn good position with plenty of other options. It’s a supply and demand sort of effect. Raise your perceived value and more girls (including an ex) will be attracted to you.

Sometimes, her attraction towards you is still high, and just having other women around draws her in and makes her reach out to you first.

I’ve had this happen a few times, where girls I used to date have either seen me out with other girls, in pictures with other girls, or just even out having fun with a group and then suddenly they started trying to get my attention again.

If you don’t want to date any new women, that’s fine. However, you do still need to make improvements to yourself, or else why would she want to come back?

If a relationship failed, it did so for a reason. Get to work on the main issues that you can control. For instance, an anger issue. Or inability to commit full or whatever else, that you know was a problem.

Beyond that, if you currently are in chase and text her all of the time mode…stop it. Do a period of No Contact, in order to help reset things and give you some space away from one another fully.  Things need to cool off and emotions need to settle down.

After the no contact period is over, usually a month or a little longer, then can begin the attempts at re-establishing contact, rebuilding some kind of non-romantic relationship with her, before going for the  complete recovery of dating once again.

What’s the first move?

Obviously, in order to attempt to re-start a relationship, contact has to be reestablished with your ex. With all of the technology we have at our disposal today, perhaps, text messaging is the most logical choice to reach out to an ex once again.

Think about it:

  • They don’t have to agree to meet you face to face right away.
  • That message can sit on their phone until they are ready to respond. More time equals a greater chance.
  • You can craft the right message to them.
  • It’s a private and personal way of communication.

Here is relationship expert Michael Fiore. explaining texts as a form of communication for relationships:

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, that help to lay out some of the dos and don’ts of texting your ex. Both of which were written by Mr. Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

Here is what some of Text Your Ex Back’s users had to say about their success with the program:

“Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Not to mention how inexpensive and how user friendly the program is, no amount of money or words could express how truly grateful i am for what you have done for me as a man. And for that i would just like to say…Thank You!”- Matthew R.

“My ex was almost begging me to take him back” I love your program ! It’s so much worth it !! My ex came to me yesterday and was almost begging me to take him back !!! Just as you said it !! :D Thank you Michael !!!

“Hi Mike. Good program. The 30 days of no contact was crucial – helped work through myself, thoughts and feelings and work on my physical side – mind body and spirit. The “I like myself” exercise is extremely insightful as it reminds ourselves of who we are. My ex and I are giving at another go – small steps but all great journeys start with small steps. Talk was the game opener – being in our 50’s we did more talking face to face than texting but adapted some of the principles in this program. Thanks for helping me find myself first so I could have the opportunity to find my ex.”- Paul

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:


Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Does No Contact Rule Work to Get an Ex-Girlfriend Back?

Published by:

The No Contact Rule is a tried and true stand by for dealing with the post-breakup world one finds themselves in, once a relationship collapses. A common question that arises when this strategy is brought up is, does it actually work?

Can one get their ex-girlfriend to come back by avoiding any kind of verbal or social engagement with her? This has a high success rate? After all, what is so damn special about No Contact, and why should one not talk to the woman that he wants to get back together with?

Does No Contact Work with a High Success Rate?

When asking whether something works or not, I think that it’s important to define what that actually means. If you are asking for a fool-proof, 100% success rate way of getting an ex-girlfriend back fast…sorry, it doesn’t exist.

Each relationship is a separate problem unto itself. Each individual will have different desires and needs in their lives, thus, a blanket strategy isn’t going to have a 100% success rate to attract them back.

Is that really the issue, however? How few things in life, actually have a 100% success rate?

The actual question should be, does the No Contact Rule work better than the alternatives? In my experience, it does indeed.

Win ex back now

What do most guys do when they want to get their exes back? Is there any real coherent strategy? One day, you might not want her back, and then the next day she is all that you think about.

The emotional turmoil following a break up is so intense, that the plan to get her back is all over the place. Sometimes you’re strong and cool, sometimes you come off as desperate and needy.

What the No Contact Rule does on one level, is to keep up a consistent front for a period of time, so that one doesn’t blow his opportunity to reconcile the relationship.

That 3 AM text or phone call can come off mighty desperate, and only serves to hurt the chances, of ever getting things to work out.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

It’s kind of like basketball. You’re never going to hit 100% of the shots that you take, you’re going to miss eventually.

What the No Contact Rule does is to get you a higher percentage shot. Instead of some off balance, one-legged turnaround jumper while you have a broken wrist, and are 50 feet away from the basket…

Which is what you are essentially taking, while in that poor emotional state following the breakup. It work to help you emotionally, it gets her to have time apart to heal herself, and creates some intrigue. This is important, when she’s been hearing from you non-stop (this applies to some of you reading).

Does No Contact work? It can. Sometimes it doesn’t. However, it usually gives one the best odds of making the correct moves towards getting an ex back.  

Of course, there are cases where no matter what you do, she ain’t getting back together with you. You can try but at some point, it is time to move on with your life.

Why No Contact?

No Contact is essential because it gives both parties space and time to heal away from one another. In an emotional moment or highly charged emotional period of time, poor decisions can be made that someone who was sober and levelheaded wouldn’t make.

Let’s You Get a Clear Perspective without Her Influence

It of course would ‘feel’ good, to get back together with someone, immediately after they aren’t in your life any longer. Wanting to feel better in the short-term, isn’t a valid basis for a relationship.

There is a void and a depth of emotion that feels like it needs to be quelled after such an event. That doesn’t mean that it is the best long-term decision.

The breakup happened for a reason or multitude of reasons. These issues need to be worked out for a new relationship to work but sometimes these issues cannot be worked out.

Getting back together, when the differences cannot be mended, is a recipe for a failure over the long-term. It’s like putting tape over something that needs a serious repair, it might hold for a while, but it’ll break again eventually.

Gives Her Space

She needs space to figure out exactly what she wants in her life and as a man you need to do the same. With time and an appropriate perspective on things, you might find out that you want to take a completely different course with your life, and one that doesn’t involve your ex-girlfriend.

Do You Even Want Her Back?

However, without time apart from one another, you might never realize this fact and try to barrel forward with a reconciliation of a broken relationship. That distance and separation, never has time to take hold, and bring about clarity.

Time is an ally in this process because it allows the brain to heal. Make no mistake, love is like a drug, and a break up can feel like an addict losing their drug of choice.

How can one make a rational choice about how to move forward, if constant contact is maintained? The view of the right path to take will only emerge with the clarity imposed by time passed.

This is one reason so many people, keep going back to broken relationships, time and time again. They never take enough time off and/or don’t put in any work to figure out what’s actually best.

Gives You Time To Yourself

One of the most important aspect of the No Contact Period, is how much time is now available to focus on your own well-being.

Getting away from another person for a while, let’s you get your own life back in order, and fix what you’ve been neglecting.

Plus, you are more likely to find other opportunities, if you either don’t want to get back together or she doesn’t. This gives guys, a period of time to perhaps start seeing new women. (If he’s in the right emotional space and can handle it).

What is the No Contact Rule?

The No Contact Rule is basically cutting off communication with the ex-girlfriend for some period of time. This usually lasts for between 1-2 months.

During this period, the person doesn’t: talk to, text, email, interact with on Facebook, IG, Snapchat, or any other social media accounts. Not liking their posts or anything.

There are exceptions to the rule. For instance, you have to talk to them, because you have kids together or some other necessary arrangement.

In these scenarios, you are to be cordial, but essentially just handle your business with them. Don’t beg, plead, or talk about getting back together.

Most of the time, this process runs in the 30-45 day range. Sometimes, slightly shorter or longer, depending on individual circumstances. But, it always goes for more than a couple weeks.

What to Do During No Contact

Obviously, try to avoid talking to her as much as possible. However, I have always felt and made this a point to do in my own life, that this period of No Contact and indeed the post-breakup period itself should be about personal growth.

Take the time to focus on yourself and improving your life with or without her.

Read, workout, pursue interests, explore new opportunities…whatever. Don’t make rash decisions and upend your life on a whim BUT figure out ways that you can make yourself feel better that are positive, not self-destructive, and don’t rely on your ex-girlfriend as a positive stimulus.

This is a chance to really figure things out moving forward, about what you do and don’t want in your life. You improve yourself and heal during this time.

If she does want to get back together, she gets a better version of you. If not, well, you’re now in a great situation for yourself or to attract a new girl when you’re ready.

Here are some posts that cover this further:

What Comes After No Contact?

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, that help to lay out some of the dos and don’ts of texting your ex. Both of which were written by Michael Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”.

He also recommends a period of no contact with an ex and also shows how to both work through the time apart and how to decide what to do next.

If you want further help working out things or really do want to make things work with an ex, this is something you’ll want to check out.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

“My ex was almost begging me to take him back” I love your program ! It’s so much worth it !! My ex came to me yesterday and was almost begging me to take him back !!! Just as you said it !! :D Thank you Michael !!!

“Hi Mike. Good program. The 30 days of no contact was crucial – helped work through myself, thoughts and feelings and work on my physical side – mind body and spirit. The “I like myself” exercise is extremely insightful as it reminds ourselves of who we are. My ex and I are giving at another go – small steps but all great journeys start with small steps. Talk was the game opener – being in our 50’s we did more talking face to face than texting but adapted some of the principles in this program. Thanks for helping me find myself first so I could have the opportunity to find my ex.”- Paul

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:
