Ex Back or Move On » September 3, 2023

Daily Archives: September 3, 2023

Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back if She Cheated on You

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There are many way in which relationships can end and the underlying causes are all usually at least somewhat painful to endure. However, none may be quite as harsh as getting cheated on by your now ex-girlfriend.

Relationships are built on trust and the idea that this one person is granted special access and privilege in your life because they have proven themselves as someone to be held in high esteem.

Whether it’s through momentary weakness or a long-term decline in the satisfaction they derive in being monogamous, cheating is simply an option that some people see as a way to explore something different and get those needs they have met.

Unfortunately in the process of meeting those perceived needs, a person they are supposed to love and care for gets hurt badly by their actions.

Now, the question becomes once a relationship is over due to cheating, how can you get the ex-girlfriend who stepped out on you back?

Seriously, WTF?

I’m going to have to have a little talk with you, as your random internet friend…dude, what the hell are you thinking?

The base question of this article, is how to get your ex-girlfriend back if she cheated on you. Perhaps seeing this in writing will help your circumstance sink in. No? Still nothing. OK, let’s break it down further.

The question itself implies that she cheated on you and doesn’t want to get back together. This isn’t some circumstance in which the cheater is begging for a second chance, rather, the guy who got cheated on is chasing after her.

That is the most ass-backwards logic I may have ever come across. On what basis would you want this girl back?

As I’ve written above, the core foundation of a relationship is about trust. She violated that trust to one of the highest degrees possible, therefore, the relationship is rendered ineffective and should be concluded permanently.

Now, if you had an open relationship in which either one of you could hook up with other people, fine. However, the rules of a monogamous relationship do not allow for this possibility.

What Do You Think She Offers?

If a woman cheats on you, that is symptomatic of a larger issue. Not only is it a larger issue within the confines of that relationship but it is also indicative as a flaw in her character.

She may justify it any way she wants within her head but if she was truly unhappy in the relationship (and if the metrics are her cheating and not wanting to be with you, it’s a safe bet), then she should have just left in the first place.

Also, even if you do get her back, what has changed? Is her deeper issue suddenly solved? Is she trustworthy in the future to potentially (or already) have access to your financial well-being, to raise your children, be trusted not to screw you over sometime down the road?

Understand this: there are always more women. There’s like 4 billion females on this planet…maybe, what, 1.5 billion adult females and you’re going to sit there and act like this cheater is particularly special? Come on, man.

Maybe it’s your current love life situation (or lack thereof) that is pushing you to want to get back together with her. Despite the loneliness, it is better to be single than to be in a crummy relationship by miles and if you don’t feel that’s the case, then you need to seriously start turning your attention to your own needs and psychic well-being.

Yes, you can get other girls and you can certainly get girls who will not cheat on you. I cannot in good conscience recommend that you even attempt to get back with your ex-girlfriend, as I don’t see a scenario in which this is a good idea. My advice is: move on!

Getting Past this Attachment

A big problem with the aftermath of a break up, is dealing with those addiction like feelings, toward the ex-girlfriend. The good news, is that, they can be gotten rid of but it takes time and effort.

Wanting someone back who cheated on you, and who, doesn’t currently want you back is a pretty big sign that some positive changes need to occur in one’s life.

Whenever, I’ve been faced with something or someone that I’ve become unreasonably attached to mentally/emotionally, I like to go through a deep inquiry. I get to the roots of why I am feeling this way and not just accepting that I ‘need’ this person or thing in my life.

  • Why do I want her so much?
  • What is lacking in the rest of my life, that I am so focused on this one person?
  • Is she really the one girl for me or just the only one that I can currently see in front of me?
  • Is it even about her or do i just simply not like the way losing her felt?
  • Is it more about the feelings that the cheating caused or something that is actually special about her?

make dem changes

Really get into the causes and mental patterns of the issue. Sometimes, we mentally get stuck in feedback loops, where we expect someone or some feeling to be there.

When it no longer is, there is a void, and we can struggle to replace it. As such, we tend to try to get back the source of that feeling, even when it isn’t a good option for us.

After inquiry and identifying underlying issues, that are causing the negative feelings, I begin the process of letting them go. For me, I do this through meditation. It really helps to calm my mind and makes me aware of my thoughts, when they pop up.

The awareness of the thoughts are important. When the negative patterns arise, I immediately begin to question them, instead of just following them and getting right back into feeling bad about things.

It’s like reprogramming your mind. Each time the thoughts begin to rise, I cut them off, and question how valid they actually are. The more I interrupt the thought patterns, the less hold they can have, the less often they come up, and the emotional attachment lessen, until I let them go entirely.

Next, is the analysis of my life, and what I need to do to improve it. If I’m focused solely on someone who cheated on me and not on my life and well-being…I’m probably not in a good spot.

That’s fine. Identifying the negative feelings and their causes, is a great first step. However, we have to begin to slowly shift into a new direction, and off of the old course which no longer suits us.

Little changes add up. I don’t care how small the positive steps are at this stage, they are still useful. It’s like weight lifting, you slowly build up strength each session, until what used to be heavy is just easy to pick up.

  • What are your personal goals?
  • I mean for work, school, starting a business, health, and your dating life in the future?
  • If some of these aren’t where they need to be, how do you get to that place?
  • What are the easiest steps that you can take today and the next day, to move closer to these goals?

It can literally be as simple as reading for 15 minutes and then building upon that. Or doing a workout today, if you’re currently in bad shape, and then being consistent with it.

Getting cheated on, isn’t the end of the world. It’s just the end of that relationship and there are plenty more to be had, if you so desire. I had girlfriends in college who dumped me. It hurt like hell back then and felt like I wouldn’t recover.

Well, nowadays, I never think about any of them.

Our brain’s can get obsessive in the short term, we need to nudge them off of these addictions, and keep going on to something better. Time apart, can naturally help these things, but it won’t be as effective if you don’t take the time to grow as a person and leave that chapter of your life behind.

Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Should I Take My Ex Back After they Cheated?

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A common cause of breakups is infidelity. One partner steps out of the bounds of the agreed upon relationship in order to get sex, attention, or whatever else from a third party.

Honestly, cheating is probably the worst cause of the end of a relationship, as it usually produces the most hurt for the person who got cheated on.

However, when some time passes after finding out about the infidelity, your ex might come crawling back to you and be begging for you to get together with them again.

Your resolve might be really tough at first and you can resist the initial advances but some doubt starts to creep in and you may begin to wonder if you should indeed accept them back into your life as a lover.

What’s the Right Answer?

My policy has always been that I will not accept fixing things between me and a girl who cheats.

That’s it.

I can forgive and quickly let it go, but unless we had some sort of open relationship agreement (which I don’t do), cheating is immediate grounds for the termination of a relationship.

Now, having said that, this may not be the correct answer for your particular situation.

Some couples can work through something like that. Probably a very low percentage of the population.

However, I think that for most people the mistrust would linger on in some part, even after they worked things out.

What to Consider

In the vast majority of cases, you shouldn’t take back someone who cheats on you.

I would strongly urge you to deal with the loneliness you may feel in the short term and move on from the wreckage of that relationship into a new phase of your life.

Having said that, maybe you’re hell bent on making it work, but I would take some of the following things into consideration first.

Can You Realistically Get Past This?

It takes much more than simply forgiving a person, you also have to let it go, and not let it interfere with your future relationship.

Understand that: the relationship, you once had is now over.

So, if you do decide to take back a cheating ex, it’s like starting from scratch.

  • Does them cheating really bother you?
  • Is it going to continue to hinder your ability to trust them in the future?
  • Are you just hanging on because they are currently your best option for a relationship or are they truly the right person?
  • Would someone who is truly ‘right’ for you, even cheat on you in the first place?

If all of this, is too much to handle and cope with then the correct course would be to move on.

What Really Has Changed?

It isn’t enough for someone to say that they’ll change their behavior.

Hell, everyone says they’ll change bad habits on New Years Day, also. And we all know how well that works out for the majority of them. (Hint: no lasting change takes place).

Knowing them as you do, what do you honestly think they are going to change about themselves in order to make things work?

You have to be honest with yourself about what you want for your future and if this person is even capable of fulfilling what you want in a relationship.

It won’t be a pretty sight if a few months down the line, your partner starts feeling comfortable with their place in your life. Then, starts to resort right back to the same habits and infidelities which caused the split in the first place.


Is This More About Dependency than Your Self-Respect?

We can really get attached to the person we are in a relationship with and that’s what makes being in love so great.

Sometimes though, that attachment becomes a dependency with drug like effects on our lives, moods, and behaviors.

Post-breakup can be a really confusing time, even if it’s clear that they hurt you badly.

You may really feel that you want them back or that you actually need them in your life but this can often just be a fear of change in your life and a complete dependency on that person.

  • If they cheated on you, do they honestly respect you?
  • I mean, on some levels I’m sure they do, but do they respect you completely?
  • Do you respect yourself?
  • Do you love yourself?

If you are wishy washy on any of these questions then I would once again say, move on with your life.

You need to be able to love yourself and recognize what you want and deserve in a relationship.

Dependency and addiction is not a recipe for a healthy relationship, especially when someone can clearly violate the trust of the other.

Should you get back together with an ex that cheated on you?

I say, no, and hope that you consider your situation carefully.

Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back

Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back Even If It Seems Hopelessly Impossible

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There are times after a break up, when one still feels as though, they want their ex-boyfriend back. They want him to realize how special the relationship was. They no longer want to be alone.

However, it also feels as if there is little hope of getting back together and doing so is not only a daunting task, it seems utterly impossible to pull off.

What can one do in such a situation? The hopelessness of not being able to get an ex back is a powerful emotion but is it actually real? Are the odds really that bad?

In this post, I want to write a bit about how to approach these seemingly impossible situations and explore how one can try to go about reconciling with an old boyfriend.

Understand going into it, that nothing is ever guaranteed, so prepare for a more likely outcome.

Why do you want him back?

The first question I would ask about anyone’s given situation, is why exactly, do you still want him back? Especially when, it seems like such a long shot.

It’s certainly understandable on an emotional level, as to why one would still crave for their ex-boyfriend, to come back into their lives.

After all, love can be like a drug addiction that is tough to shake, and the aftermath can make life not feel quite the same.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

However, long-term longing for reconciliation can also be a sign; that one has not moved forward or is in a stagnant position in their lives.

The longing for an ex can mask general dissatisfaction with how things are going in life and give us something to work towards, even when it isn’t the best choice for us.

Instead of accepting the change in our lives and learning what we actually want from our life, we chase what we used to have. This can be true, even when getting back together with our old love would be a disaster.

We still feel as though we want it, even though, we logically understand that it would go poorly.

Think deeply about why you actually want to get back together and what it would mean in reality. If the relationship ended, it was broken in some way, and perhaps really major ways.

In the past, I’ve had some breakups in which I desperately wanted my ex-girlfriend back. Like, a visceral feeling of hurt which I felt, that only she could solve by coming back into the fold.

However, it was ultimately an illusion. I was really unhappy with myself and the way things were panning out.

My ex-girlfriends’ leaving was just a wake up call to problems that I didn’t want to face or even recognize existed, sort of like having a band-aid ripped off. I could no longer hide from life in the safe confines of my relationships, and as such, had to come to terms alone.

This is one of the reasons that I recommend a period of healing and no contact. It helps with gaining mental clarity about what you actually want deep down and not simply what you think will make you feel better in the moment.

It isn’t always a good idea to restart a relationship and we cannot fully make that judgment until we are far enough away from the wreckage of the break up.

Often times, one can arrive at the truth that they really don’t want to get back together with their ex-boyfriend.

That, they were romanticizing the relationship and ignoring all of the bad parts that came with it. That, their boyfriend really wasn’t all that great of a match to begin with.

Dig deep and discover what you truly want before even attempting to reconcile things with him. You have the time, to think things through, and make a solid decision about which way to go with this.

Why is the situation hopeless?

So, why exactly does this break up seem impossible to fix? What happened in the relationship that was so bad that it cannot be redeemed?

One should work on determining roughly what the odds are that he will actually consider fixing the relationship. Look for some of the obvious signs that he could come back, under the right circumstances. If none exist, then it would point to the unlikely event of getting back together.

What are some other indicators that lower the likelihood of fixing the broken relationship?

  • Cheating- especially if you were the culprit
  • Is he dating other girls? Especially if it seems serious with one in particular
  • There are other huge problems that stem from the relationship
  • He has shown no real interest in doing anything but moving on

Now, there are times when the situation seems hopeless but can be remedied. Then, there are other times when it actually seems like the odds are in your favor but things still don’t work out.

We are dealing with complex variables specific to you particular relationship and his current feelings and desires, which may no longer align with being together.

Take an inventory of pros and cons to help determine if the situation really is impossible or if there does appear to be some light at the end of the tunnel.

Accept the most likely outcome

OK. Once one has determined that they do indeed still want their ex back and have come to terms with the probabilities…there needs to be an acceptance of the most likely outcome.

Meaning, one should begin to live their lives (preparing mentally and plotting a way forward) as if he is never getting back together with them.

Yep, there is no guarantee that a relationship can be fixed. Because of this, learning to accept that the relationship is over, is a solid first step to take.

Regardless if it works or not, one would still be prepared and not simply left out in the cold with no clue as to what to do next.

This doesn’t mean that one has to give up pursuing reconciliation. It simply means, that there is no delusion about the fact that the odds might not be so great.

This means true acceptance and ultimately letting go if things aren’t turning around or heading in the way you wanted.

It also means that, if you realize at any point that getting back with your ex-boyfriend isn’t the right move, you stop the pursuit even when it leaves you single for a period of time.

What’s the first move?

When trying to rekindle a broken relationship, contact must be re-established at some point, so things can be built again. In the past, it was more difficult to get a hold of someone and actually get them to pay attention. Now with technology, a simple text message can go a long way to breaking down the barriers in communication.

Think about it:

  • They don’t have to agree to meet you face to face right away.
  • That message can sit on their phone until they are ready to respond. More time equals a greater chance.
  • You can craft the right message to them.
  • It’s a private and personal way of communication.
  • It’s way less intrusive, so, less chance of an outright rejection or ignore.

Here is relationship expert Michael Fiore. explaining texts as a form of communication for relationships:

Towards the top of the page, there was a link to get two free PDFs, on an overall strategy and things one should not text their ex. Pretty useful to have, when trying to get back together. Both of these are a sample look at Michael Fiore’s program, “Text Your Ex Back”.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

Here is what some of Text Your Ex Back’s users had to say about their success with the program:

“Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Not to mention how inexpensive and how user friendly the program is, no amount of money or words could express how truly grateful i am for what you have done for me as a man. And for that i would just like to say…Thank You!”- Matthew R.

“My ex was almost begging me to take him back” I love your program ! It’s so much worth it !! My ex came to me yesterday and was almost begging me to take him back !!! Just as you said it !! :D Thank you Michael !!!

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:



Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Chances of Getting My Ex-Girlfriend Back?

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If you still want to get back together with an ex-girlfriend after a break up, one will inevitably end up surveying the landscape, and trying to calculate the odds. What is the chance that she will want to restart our broken relationship?

While never an exact science, we are dealing with the whims of human beings after all, there are signs and obstacles which serve as indicators as to whether or not a reconciliation might happen.

Again, even if the odds seem to point out that there is a decent chance of getting back together happening, there is no guarantee that it will actually take place in reality.

So, while there are an insane number of variables that are unique to each person’s situation, I thought’d I’d cover some aspects that may help or hinder the chance of getting an ex-girlfriend to come back into the fold.

Her Relationship Goals

The first aspect of this that I want to cover, is seeing things from her perspective. Now, she might not have any clue what she wants in terms of relationships after a breakup.

However, there is also a good chance that she has a very good idea, and whether or not you fit into those plans can obviously impact the odds of reconciliation.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

She may be ready for a serious relationship, but felt that perhaps, you weren’t the one she wanted to settle down with for the long-term.

Conversely, maybe your relationship was too serious for her, and she felt stuck within it. Thus, she moves on and begins casually dating other guys.

I would say that in most cases if she wants a longer-term deal and felt like you weren’t mature enough or whatever other reason; then, there is a better chance of getting back together than in the latter example.

After all, one can grow and mature as a person. But it’s hard to convince someone who no longer wants something serious that they should get back into the confines of exclusivity.

Again, there are no hard and fast laws on this sort of thing and it’s strictly up to her own internal thoughts and feelings. However, I will say anecdotally, that age seems to be a factor in making these sorts of decisions.

I have gone out with a lot of women in the past few years, without being tied down in anything serious, and have noticed patterns of behavior based on women’s age range.

Women I’ve dated below the age of 25 were into much more casual relationships or strictly hookups.

Meanwhile, 25-30 tended to be much more all in for a long-term and often potential marriage situation.

Then, the mid-30s women, usually had just gotten out of long-term relationships or marriages, and were all about fun within the confines of a casual relationship.

Many women start to feel the pressure of getting married and starting a family in their late 20s. As such, they might throw overboard their current boyfriend if they feel like, he isn’t up to the job of starting a family with her.

The type of romantic or non-romantic situation that she currently wants can have a huge impact on the chances of getting back together with her.

Thus, the reconciliation plan may be scuttled before it even has an opportunity to get started.

This can play a major role in the decision or effectively none at all. It is a good idea to think about what the scenario was, in your own case, and what sort of things your ex had been saying about the relationship prior.

Who Initiated?

Another common factor in potential reconciliation is the question of who ended the relationship. If it was her, then, the odds are significantly lower. If it was you, then, she might not have expected the relationship to end nor did she particularly want it to.

If it was a mutual decision, then, it’s kind of murky and could go either way with about equal odds. Again, it will all depend on the unique variables of your relationship.

When women break up with you, they usually have an exit strategy planned in advance, and might even have back up guys lined up for when the relationship ends.

If she broke up with you, the chances aren’t nearly as good, but it’s not impossible either.

If you broke up with her, it can be much easier usually to get things started once again. Assuming, that things didn’t turn super ugly during the aftermath of things ending between you. In some cases, all bets are off, because all bridges have been burned.

Factors involved in the Break Up

There are certain issues that may be too much to overcome. For instance, if you cheated on her. She’s probably not going to want to get back together after that. And if she cheated, then, dude…why would you want her back? Move on!

Other major issues could be too much fighting, disagreements about the direction of the relationship, etc.

If you guys couldn’t get along very often, then, things are going to require a major overhaul before a new relationship can even begin.

Take stock of what happened and what the problems of the relationship were. Were there major red flags? If so, how would they be remedied? Can they even be?

It’s pretty amazing, how many people, overlook these basic aspects. They become so consumed with trying to ‘win’ someone back, that they fail to recognize, massive underlying problems of the relationship.

The relationship was ‘broken’ for a reason or many reasons. If it wasn’t, it’d still be continuing on, as a prosperous partnership. Take an honest look at these issues and assess, if they are even worth fixing, to salvage this thing.

Current Communication Levels

Are the two of you speaking? Has she blocked your number or on Facebook? Are you constantly hitting her up and she’s ignoring you?

If she’s more receptive to speaking to you, then your odds are higher that there is still some interest in fixing things, on her part.

Now, if the two of you have a child or some other circumstance that requires you to have to talk to one another, then that doesn’t really count.

The more the lines of communication have been severed, the deeper the hole you have to climb your way out of. A period of no contact may be necessary, to help create some space, and help prevent you from making dumb mistakes before trying to move forward with fixing the broken relationship.

Also, sometimes sex happens after break ups between you and your ex. Usually, this is a positive sign, and that her emotions towards you are still strong.

However, if it was a one time thing, she may have just been feeling lonely that night and may not want any part of getting back together.

Yes, it can be quite difficult at times, to gauge whether or not a sign is revealing. As it can also be a one off event, without much significance.

Time and Relationship Status

The longer it has been since the break up, the more difficult it can become to get back together. If it’s something like a year or more, then the odds aren’t so hot.

In fact, one would have to undergo some serious self-improvement and changes to even re-spark any interest from an ex. It can be done, it’s just not a highly likely proposition, and it would take a good deal of time.

People change over time and the things that were right for them at one point in their lives, no longer are. I always recommend and practice doing so in my own life, that I prepare myself to move forward as if the break up is permanent, even if I do end up getting back together with someone.

Emotionally, it just seems to be the right move. I experience other girls and set a new path for my life, regardless whether or not I can or even want to get her back.

What is her current relationship status? What is yours? If you’re both seeing other people, then, things have run their course.

A new relationship between the two of you would have to be started from scratch, at some point in the future.

If she is with someone else and it seems pretty serious, she’s probably not going to leave that to get back together.

Putting it All Together

The beauty of relationships is how individualized they are. It’s also the reason why, there is no guarantee of getting an ex back, or that’d it even work out in the long run.

On the other hand, there is also a lot of overlap within human relationships, and patterns do begin to emerge which can give you some picture as to what the chances are an ex-girlfriend can be brought back into the fold.

Take the time, to figure out your own situation, and what the pros and cons are. Also, take the time to think deeply as to what you actually want for your life and even if you truly want her back.

Sometimes, we just get so emotionally clouded that it seems like we want an ex-girlfriend back…but we are in fact, just feeling lonely or without a clear path forward.

Down the line, we will move on but in the thick of things it can be really confusing.

What’s the first move?

Obviously, in order to attempt to re-start a relationship, contact has to be reestablished with your ex. Text messaging can be an ideal place to start, because it is so non-intrusive, and not necessarily an overt attempt at trying to win someone back.

Think about it:

  • They don’t have to agree to meet you face to face right away.
  • That message can sit on their phone until they are ready to respond. More time equals a greater chance.
  • You can craft the right message to them.
  • It’s a private and personal way of communication.

Here is relationship expert Michael Fiore. explaining texts as a form of communication for relationships:

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, that help to lay out some of the dos and don’ts of texting your ex. Both of which were written by Mr. Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:


Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back

My Ex-Boyfriend Blocked Me on Facebook (Social Media)

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Alright, so, a breakup has occurred and at least for a while, the lines of communication were still open. Now, something has happened and for some reason(s), your ex-boyfriend has blocked your account on Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram, or another social media platform.

What do you do now? Why did this happen? I suppose for the younger generation of lovers, getting blocked on one of these social media sites is a big deal.

As such, I’ll have to address it in this post. I’m am going to write this in a more generalized style, so that it’s applicable to all of these kinds of sites/apps and not just Facebook as a standalone issue.

Is This Actually a Huge Problem?

On this website, I don’t usually take the approach of telling people to always get back with their ex, nor do I tell them to pursue at all costs.

The reasoning behind this approach, is that, I know what an emotional state I was in after past break ups. I would have done just about anything to get one of my ex-girlfriends back, at those points in time, even when it wasn’t the best option for my life.

The emotions made me want them back much more than any logical justification, that I could come up with in my head.

This being the case, I must first put forth the question, is this actually a huge deal that you were blocked on social media?

Is this upsetting you more than it actually should? Is this an indicator that you should prepare to move forward with your life, even if there is still a chance to get back together with your ex-boyfriend?

Yes, this can absolutely hurt bad, in the short-term.

Plus, it’s difficult to imagine things getting better while you’re experiencing the breakup in the here and now. However, learning to let go is a major part of the healing process and a part of being in relationships.

Win ex back now

Maybe, your ex-boyfriend blocking you on Facebook or Instagram, can aid in the healing process. Being bombarded by someone’s image everyday, seeing what they’re up to, and thinking about them thereafter only serves to reinforce the mental feedback loop of expectation.

Your brain expects to see them and can then cause negative emotions when that feedback doesn’t take place.

Add to the fact, that social media is ultimately not real life. People can build images and personas of themselves on there, that has no actual reflection in reality.

Seeing the images, status updates, and all of the rest of the stuff can just stir up jealousy and make things in the aftermath of the relationship worse…even make it more difficult to get back together.

Need more help? Click here to receive two free reports: “3 Toxic Texts You Should NEVER Send Your EX” and a mapped plan of the “Text Your Ex Back” process.

What Was the Reason that He Blocked Your Facebook?

Why did he block you? It is possible that this was merely a short, over-reaction on his part. It may be a short-lived time in the penalty box, so to speak, before he reverses his decision and unblocks you.

This could have been done because he was just really mad at you about something. Or, he is having trouble dealing with the break up. Right now, maybe he doesn’t want to see anything that reminds him of you, at this time.

There is also the other possibility, that this is for the long haul. He blocked you because at this point in time, he doesn’t want you involved in his life and the new direction that he is taking it in.

There probably isn’t a way of knowing if this is a shorter-term or longer-term situation, one will have to wait it out until the picture becomes clearer.

I believe that it’s always best to prepare for the longer term situation, in which, you have to grow and learn to live your life again as an individual…and not as a part of the now broken relationship.

Things may get fixed down the line, but it’s a good idea to plan for a likely scenario, so that you’re not just floating through life being lost and with no direction.


What was the Severity of the Block?

Was it simply Facebook that he blocked you on? If it was only on that platform, that’s a good sign, that it could lean towards the him being upset side of things.

Or was this an across the board communications ban? Did it include the phone, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat?

If it was an across the board block, it’s probably going to be a while, that one will be stuck in the realm of No Contact.

If it was only on one platform, like Facebook, it is best to let things be at the moment.

Don’t overreact and push him further away by trying to bombard him with messages or by getting upset that he blocked you. Not all is lost in this scenario, as you still have lines of communication open…just lay off of the messaging for a while.

Take this time to continue to improve your emotional situation and get a clear head about things.

On the flip side, if all lines of communication have been cut off, there is nothing you can really do in the intermediate term.

You will have to take a wait and see approach, as to whether you might be able to talk with him sometime down the line. He may be really pissed or hurt by something you did.

If it was cheating, for example, then it’s to be expected that he isn’t going to be open to talking very much with you for a decent chunk of time (or maybe ever).

How should you handle getting blocked on social media? The answer is essentially, do nothing.

This doesn’t mean never do anything, just bide your time, and wait for some clarity to appear in the situation. Sometimes, this is the best prescription, as taking action might only serve to dig the hole deeper or cause him to lose even more interest if you start to chase him.

Maybe it’s best to say that you aren’t ‘doing nothing’, rather, you are giving him the space he needs to cool off and get over what’s bothering him.

So, do this:

  • Treat the relationship as if it is completely over
  • Deal with emotional baggage and loneliness
  • Find new hobbies, opportunities, friends, dates, etc. to help spark positive change in your life
  • If the lines of communication do open up eventually, reevaluate if you still even want to try to fix this relationship with your ex-boyfriend.

Understand that: the outcome of the situation is not under your complete control. He is going to do what he is going to do and you cannot force him to want to talk to you.

What you can do is play the odds, towards the best possible outcome. In the situation of getting blocked on Facebook, the best way to play the hand you’ve been dealt is to, not panic and sit pat.

What’s the first move?

Obviously, in order to attempt to re-start a relationship, contact has to be reestablished with your ex. With all of the technology we have at our disposal today, perhaps, text messaging is the most logical choice to reach out to an ex once again.

Think about it:

  • They don’t have to agree to meet you face to face right away.
  • That message can sit on their phone until they are ready to respond. More time equals a greater chance.
  • You can craft the right message to them.
  • It’s a private and personal way of communication.

Here is relationship expert Michael Fiore. explaining texts as a form of communication for relationships:

Hopefully, you took the opportunity to download the two free reports towards the top of the post, that help to lay out some of the dos and don’ts of texting your ex. Both of which were written by Mr. Fiore as an introduction to his “Text Your Ex Back”.

Text Your Ex Back is a full mp3 audio and ebook program which has helped thousands of people reignite things with their exes by following Michael Fiore’s advice. He has been on a number of shows including Rachel Ray’s to discuss his methods for romance.

Here is what some of Text Your Ex Back’s users had to say about their success with the program:

“Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Not to mention how inexpensive and how user friendly the program is, no amount of money or words could express how truly grateful i am for what you have done for me as a man. And for that i would just like to say…Thank You!”- Matthew R.

“My ex was almost begging me to take him back” I love your program ! It’s so much worth it !! My ex came to me yesterday and was almost begging me to take him back !!! Just as you said it !! :D Thank you Michael !!!

“Hi Mike. Good program. The 30 days of no contact was crucial – helped work through myself, thoughts and feelings and work on my physical side – mind body and spirit. The “I like myself” exercise is extremely insightful as it reminds ourselves of who we are. My ex and I are giving at another go – small steps but all great journeys start with small steps. Talk was the game opener – being in our 50’s we did more talking face to face than texting but adapted some of the principles in this program. Thanks for helping me find myself first so I could have the opportunity to find my ex.”- Paul

If you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex, please click the image below to watch a free video and try “Text Your Ex Back” with a full 60 day money back guarantee:
